Welcome to the Furry Footstool

Welcome to the Furry Footstool
Oh god the camera...the camera

Monday, August 1, 2011

Oooo those cable guys

Well I must say that I was forced to defend the house from the evils that are the cable guys. I mean I guess it was a good thing that the cable man came because otherwise there would be no way to add this adventure to my blog. But do not like. He seemed like he could have been nice but I don't know. I gave him a vicious talking to from the safety of the basement. I know I know sounds sad doesn't it. Be proud I did watch him leave with a huff and a snort and lots of laughter from my human and other resident human with the 'wiggly furry growth' as she deems to refer to the ferret of the house to me. All I want to do is play with her.

I have heard that we may be going out to the pet store, apparently my human has to return something that was suppose to go to the chatty bird named Buddy. Apparently it does not fit well in his den. I'm not sure about this just yet.

I have also heard that I was added to the Daily Corgi and that my human has thanked the one known as Laurie for adding it. That is exciting, though I don't know what to make of this camera business maybe I should just hide for the rest of the day.


  1. Jake, maybe if you let your human take more pictures and post them here, you might lose some of your fear of the camera. Think about it... =)

  2. I don't know about that... I did have to deal with the dreaded camera today though...I guess it was sort of okay.
